[Archive] Be The Difference Virtual Summit (2018): Philipa Bragman Founder & CEO CHANGE

Be The Difference virtual summit called #whengoodstuffhappens talks to Founder and CEO Philipa Bragman from CHANGE.

CHANGE is a human rights organisation led by Disabled People, working to create an inclusive society.

CHANGE, a learning disability rights charity, is unapologetic about the fact that it's getting its message out about why it exists, the work that needs to be done and how it’s going to change things. Take this stat on employment for instance: 65% of people with a learning disability would like a job, yet only 6% have one. It’s a fact that people with learning disabilities are excluded from mainstream life in ways which are simply not acceptable.

One of the ways in which CHANGE brings progress is through using their toolkit. This turns the decision-making process on it’s head, creating an emotional connection between people who're the ‘power holders’ (think professionals, policy makers, budget holders) and everyone else. This means that they then meet on a 'level playing field' – and that’s just the starting point.

Philipa Bragman is at the helm of this cutting-edge charity; listen to her speak passionately about how the CHANGE team and the tools for engagement that are creating waves.


#GoodSynergy - Natasha Muller


[Archive] Be The Difference Virtual Summit (2018) with Liz Waters, An Cosan VCC