
Our core in-house expertise is a trio of pillars: strategic philanthropy, impact space and responsible business, with a fourth, cross-cutting one of learning, providing seamless support for clients to embed their values and create positive impact across their personal and business assets.

Expertise - Strategic Philanthropy

strategic philanthropy

Expertise - Impact Space

impact space

Expertise - Responsible Business

responsible business



As a team we also bring a wide variety of expertise, lived experience, understanding and qualifications in addition to our core expertise.

Diving into this in more detail, our shared expertise spans the philanthropy enabling environment, learning, volunteer management, international development (philanthropy and impact sector), community philanthropy (including participatory techniques), corporates and SMEs.

We have cause/theme-related expertise from the armed forces through to young people. We’re proud that we’re able to leverage a talented extended network which enables us to respond agilely by including leading cause-related specialists. In particular, by blending specialisms, we can address intersectional issues and take a holistic approach to tackling the critical SDGs.

For example, our expertise offer encompasses:

“There are two ways of spreading light: to be the candle, or the mirror that reflects it.”

- Edith Wharton