Reducing Crime and Reoffending

The Prison Reform Trust’s Bromley Briefings (Winter 2019) puts the estimated annual total figure of the economic and social cost of reoffending at a staggering £18.1bn. It’s well documented that this figure can be significantly reduced if programmes are in place to support people during and after their release from prison. Equally, work can be done too to reduce the risk of people entering the criminal justice system in the first place.

These are all real people with their own stories, hopes and challenges. The collection of organisations listed below are just some of those that are working at the coalface offering direct help and support to empower those who have been - or are at risk of - (re)entering the criminal justice system.

It’s uplifting to see how much social good can be created and how this then sends out ripples of positive impact throughout theirs and the lives of others whom they come into contact with.

The Safety Box

Training and development helping young people and young adults, including a Gang Interruption and Awareness programme.

Radical Recruit

Bridges the gaps between disadvantaged job seekers and the business world.

Behind Bras

Empowers and gives hope to serving and former women prisoners to provide meaningful and aspirational careers for the fashion, retail and associated creative industries.


Entrepreneurs Unlocked

Their mission is to engage with individuals in custody and the community and provide a range of programmes to nurture and develop their talent to enable them to live a crime-free future as an individual, employee or self-employed person.


Harnesses phone repair to create opportunities for young people to move away from crime and towards employment